For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people.
Titus 2:11 NLT
In the South, we often think of salvation as an altar call or a sinner’s prayer, some event we responded to when we were young. It could have been a church service, camp meeting, weekend retreat, or revival week. Say the prayer, walk the aisle, make a commitment and we are right with God and all is well. Salvation is done and we are secure for eternity. But, Biblical salvation is more than a one -time prayer.
Gratefully, salvation is not only about “getting into heaven,” it is about being transformed and conformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness and image of Jesus Christ. Salvation is my past sins being forgiven, but also, salvation is the power of sin’s hold being broken now, and thankfully, salvation is about being delivered completely from sin’s very presence at the second coming of our Lord.
Concerning the past, a Christian can say, “I was savedâ€â€”from the penalty of sin. Concerning the present, a Christian can say, “I am being savedâ€â€”from the power of sin. Concerning the future, the Christian can say, “I shall be savedâ€â€”from the presence of sin.
W. H. Griffith Thomas quoted in Nick Harrison, (2010-12-07). His Victorious Indwelling: Daily Devotions for a Deeper Christian Life (Kindle Locations 5568-5571). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.