Jesus Our Intercessor: Day 14, 21 Days of Prayer

Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us (Romans 8:34).

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you that you defeated death, hell, and the grave and are seated at God’s right hand. Thank you, that you entered the Holy of Holies and you are praying to the Father for me right now. I give you thanks because you are in control of all the circumstances of my life. I know that nothing that happens today is beyond your reach. Lord, I trust you to work through me. If there is any thought, word, or deed in me that is not obedient to you, please show me, and help me to change it.

~~Nicholas Beckham

Though He Slay Me: Day 13, 21 Days of Prayer

Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation (Habakkuk 3:17-18).

Prayer: Lord, you said in your Word to give thanks in all things. Thank you when things don’t go right for me. Thank you when I feel like people have left me out. Thank you when I feel like other people got a better deal than me. Thank you for not making my life easy all the time. Thank you for heartache and trials. Thank you for all the things about me that I can’t change. Thank you for the doors that always seem to be closed. Thank you for the missed opportunities. Thank you for using these struggles to make me more like Christ.

~~Nicholas Beckham

God Is Good: Day 12, 21 Days of Prayer


Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 107:1)

Prayer: Father, thank you for this day. I praise you for your goodness. Thank you for blessing me with so many wonderful things. You have given me good food, clothing, and shelter. I am blessed with good friends, family, and a church that loves me. Thank you for letting me live in a nation where I can worship you without persecution. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent Christ to the people I live and work with. You have given me so much, Lord.

~~ Nicholas Beckham

Jesus Paid It All: Day 11, 21 Days of Prayer


More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation (Rom 5:11).

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for enduring the cross for me. Thank you for going through torture and death so that I could have a relationship with you. There is nothing I could do to earn your love for me. Because of your sacrifice, I don’t have to live under the weight and guilt of sin. Thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory over sin, today. Thank you for giving me real hope and a future.

~~Nicholas Beckham

“Lying Voices:” Day Ten, 21 Days of Prayer

When [Satan] lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies (Jn 8:44 NLT).

Prayer: Lord, I repent of listening to voices that say that you do not love me.

I repent of listening to voices that say I am worthless.

I repent of listening to voices that say I am not good enough.

I repent of listening to voices that say I have a right to be angry.

I repent of listening to voices that say I have a right to unforgiveness and bitterness.

I repent of listing to voices that say I am not forgiven.

I repent of listening to voices that say,
I do not have to lay down my life,
for my wife,
for my children,
for others,
and for you Lord.

Lord teach to only hear only your voice and make real your word in my heart.


~~India Davis

“Merciful Savior:” Day Nine, 21 Days of Prayer

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, His love endures forever! (1 Chronicles 16:34).

Prayer: Heavenly Father I come before you today to repent;

Of not trusting you when events do not go as I had planned.

I repent of not thanking you for the little things you have created,
a child’s sweet smile,
fresh dew on the grass,
clean sheets with a bed to sleep on,
hot water to shower,
cold water to drink,
and a day with beautiful sunshine.

I repent of not being thankful for simple things,
like having a Bible to read,
shoes and clean clothes to wear,
car to drive and a job.

I repent of neglecting to thank you for good health and answered prayers.

Merciful Savior,
I am so slow to learn,
So prone to forget
So weak to climb;
I am in the foothills when I should be on the heights;
I am pained by my graceless heart,
My prayerless days,
My poverty of love,
My sloth in the heavenly race,
My sullied conscience,
My wasted hours,
My unspent opportunities,
I am blind while light shines around me:
Take the scales from my eyes,
Grind to dust the evil heart of unbelief.
For the glory of Your name. Amen.

~~ India Davis

HT: Anne Graham Lotz, poem taken from Valley of Vision, The Banner of Truth Trust, 2002.

“I Repent, Part Two:” Day Eight, 21 Days of Prayer


First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father, today I repent;

For not praying more often for those who have authority over me at work.

I repent of not praying more often for the President, Senators, Governor, and all public officials who lead me.

I repent for not praying more often for the priests, deacons, and bishops who serve me.

I repent of putting more faith in government provision than faith in God’s provision.

I repent for not praying more for in the people living in war torn countries who have no shelter, water, or food.

I repent of the arrogance and pride that says that I do not need you, I am sufficient in myself at work and home.

Last, I repent of my unbelief in your incredible love and forgiveness which you have shown me even when I fail.

Lord, have mercy on me a sinner and grant me your forgiveness!

In Jesus’s Name, Amen!

~~India Davis

“I Repent”: Day Seven, 21 Days of Prayer


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, merciful savior, I come with a repentant heart and ask forgiveness of leaning on my own understanding.

I repent of not trusting you and wanting my own way.

I repent of taking control of my time, relationships and finances.

I repent to not being obedient to your word and your voice.

I repent of arrogance and pride in myself that has led to poor choices.

I repent of wasted hours on the internet, video games, movies and entertainment.

I repent of not giving you thanks for my job, my house, the food you have provided, my family and friends.

I repent of always wanting more of what the world offers and less of you.

Lord come and forgive us; we thank you for the Cross and how you bore our sins and how willing you are to forgive.

~~ India Davis

“Burn Away Everything”: Day Six, 21 Days of Prayer

He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross (Mal. 3:3).

Father, in Jesus’ name, burn away every dream, desire, attitude, thought, feeling, word and action that is not a result of Your Spirit reigning in my life.

Burn away everything that is more important to me than my revelation of You and my relationship with You.

Burn away everything that hinders me from loving You with all my heart and loving my neighbors as I love myself.

Burn away everything that hinders me from hearing and obeying Your voice.

Burn away everything I believe about who You are and what You are like that is not the Truth.

Burn away everything in my heart and mind that causes me to desire to harm or destroy those who desire or act to harm or destroy me.

Burn away the lust of my eyes, lust of my flesh and pride of life.

Burn away everything that causes me to desire to own or possess anything that is not rightfully mine.

Burn away everything that causes me to desire to lie or exaggerate to get what I want or impress or harm others.

Father, in Jesus’ name, I ask that I will be deeply intimate with You, filled with your Holy Spirit, free of pride, lust, and fear, loving, patient, kind, tender- hearted, forgiving, joyful, thankful, grateful, humble, considerate, healthy, successful, prosperous and very generous. Amen. 

~~Dr. James “Jay” H. Ferguson

God Is Grace: Day Five, 21 Days of Prayer

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ . . . . (1 Peter 5:10 NIV).

Prayer: Almighty God, God of grace and God of glory, whose Son, Jesus, is full of grace and truth. Thank you that your grace relentlessly pursued us and never stopped confronting us until you won our hearts by your great love. Your grace was undeserved and unmerited, you rescued us from a just judgment of our own making. Your grace called us to trust Jesus Christ as our savior, the one who took all our sin upon himself. Your grace lifted us out the pit of our sin, renewed us, empowered us, and elevated us into your presence.

Assist us, Lord, to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Assist us to know that your grace is available at all times, in every need, and for every good work. Assist us to experience your grace enabling us to say, “no,” to ungodliness and to live upright and godly lives; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.