Discernment of Spirits (Part One)


How Do We Know If a Prophecy/Teaching/Ministry Is From God?

A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other….He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit.

1 Cor 12:7,10 (NLT)

Distinguishing/Discerning of Spirits is the spiritual gift of insight from the Holy Spirit which enables a believer and/or parish to know whether a practice, teaching, or gifting is from God, Satan, or a manifestation of the flesh (i.e., self-generated).

Satan and his spirits can be discerned in appearance. Satan invades the Christian community with teachers and leaders who counterfeit the truth. These people will always introduce teaching that is foreign to Scripture. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas are met by a slave girl possessed by a spirit of divination. Men and women with the gift of discernment are specially gifted in distinguishing between those words, deeds and appearances that are true and those that are false. For many days she followed the apostles crying out “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation” (Acts 16:17). Though her words were true, the spirit behind them was false and sought to lure people with a little bit of truth so that the opportunity could be used to heap reproach upon the gospel. Paul judged her words to be true, but knew by appearance that the spirits guiding her were insincere. He was not fooled by what might have been an appearance of godliness. And so appearances must also be carefully weighed against the Scriptures.

Men and women with the gift of discernment are specially gifted in distinguishing between those words, deeds and appearances that are true and those that are false.

Tim Challies, “The Gift of Spiritual Discernment”

CEC Theological Summit


A Summit of a Different Sort

Just in case you have been wondering what I have been doing all week, I attended the first annual CEC Theological Summit in Orlando, Florida.  The theme of our conference was *Toward a Theology of Convergence.* Our summit focused on the three streams of the historic faith: evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental. I wrote an essay on the evangelical stream and I shared those Reformed theological truths on Wednesday morning. My talk/address/sermon focused on the Cross, the exchanged life, evangelism and mission, priesthood of all believers, penal substitution, total depravity, heart conversion, imputed and imparted righteousness, and sola scriptura. You can see that I covered many doctrines in my hour and fifteen minutes, the time flew by quickly. I greatly enjoyed the experience: special thanks to Bishops Bates and Simpson for the opportunity.

The Charismatic Episcopal Church is part of a growing movement, which recognizes that for the church to be truly catholic in its faith and practice, it needs to integrate the three major streams of the Christian tradition: the evangelical, the charismatic, and the sacramental. I enjoyed hearing the four addresses which focused on the theological truth of each stream and a wrap-up talk on convergence. The talks revealed among our clergy a passionate love for Jesus combined with deep commitment to the historic truths of our faith: a rare combination indeed. The depth of theological thinking was quite amazing for a small communion. In addition, the spirit of unity and camaraderie among our clergy who hail from diverse theological backgrounds was personally encouraging.

Below, Bishop Epps conveys better than I ever could the spirit, tone, and tenor of our conference.

Christus Victor,

Cn. Glenn


Bishop David Epps

One would think that a week-long meeting on theology would not be a riveting affair. At least, that was my assumption before I traveled to Orlando, FL a few days ago to be an observer at our denomination’s International Theological Conference.

The participants were tasked with presenting to the Bishops of our Church and to the larger communion a coherent and understandable “convergence theology,” which has to do with the synthesis of the evangelical, sacramental/liturgical, and Pentecostal/charismatic expressions of the Christian faith. Not very interesting, perhaps, for the average person, but the transmission of theology is vital for the future orthodoxy, survival, and prosperity of any denomination or movement. I came away with several impressions:

My first impression was how brilliant the “presbyter/theologians” of our denomination are. For us, a “presbyter” is a priest and these men are not ivory tower people who study for a living. They are pastors who, every week, visit the sick, preach, celebrate the Sacraments, deal with commissions and committees, counsel, hear confessions, and consistently do the “grunt work” of ministry in their home parishes. But “theologians” they truly are. The theological position papers they presented were as thorough and profound as any I have ever seen.

These men are Doctors of Philosophy, Doctors of Ministry, Doctors of Theology, Canons, Theologians, seminary professors-all of whom have extensive background in both academics and pastoral ministry. Though reasonably well-educated, I was not the smartest guy in the room-not by a long shot!

My second impression was how passionate these men were in their presentations. Like many people, I have been in academic or ecclesial settings in which papers, presentations, or sermons were presented in a way that sucked the very moisture out of the air-they were, in other words, dry as dust and dead as nails. Not so in Orlando. The presbyter/theologians almost “preached” their papers with as much passion as a Baptist evangelist. One could sense that the papers had been bathed in prayer and that the presenters had been empowered by a divine encounter.

My third impression concerned the respect and civility demonstrated toward conflicting points of view. I have been in many arenas where egotism was the order of the day and opposing views were not tolerated. The presenters listened to each other with a serious intensity and, even when disagreements were expressed during the open discussion time, there was a fraternal respect and a brotherly love and concern demonstrated. True humility was in abundance.

The fourth impression was how long it takes to “do theology.” The Church stills struggles with concerns that have been on the table for two thousand years. We are in a “quick-fix” society but serious theological grappling may take years, decades, or even centuries. The Church must be committed to the long view and eschew shortcuts.

The fifth impression was that the denomination in which I serve is in good theological hands. We will make mistakes, as we have in the past, but I am confident in the future. I believe that our children and grandchildren will be left a very good legacy, which, in turn, they will pass on.

I can imagine that the Church Fathers, the theologians of days past, and the faithful scholars and bishops of the early Church had little concept of the impact they would have on the future generations. Putting quill to parchment, writing by lamps filled with oil, suffering heat and cold, privation and persecution, those early leaders struggled to communicate the faith to their present generation and their works and influence remain with us today. I could imagine that, prior to coming to Orlando, these presbyter/theologians, though blessed with modern technology and comforts, were in a long line of people who were, quietly and without reward or fanfare, seeking to communicate timeless truth. God bless the scholars and theologians among us!

Bishop David Epps is the founding pastor of Christ the King Church, 4881 Hwy 34 E., Sharpsburg, GA 30277. He also serves as a Bishop to the Mid-South Diocese (www.midsouthdiocese.org).

Discerning the Lakeland Outpouring

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God . . . . (1 John 4:1 NIV).

The Controversy

This spring, the evangelist, Todd Bentley, and the leadership of Ignited Church, began a series of meetings in Lakeland, Florida, that drew thousands as reports of dramatic healings and resurrections from the dead gained national attention. As the services began to be televised on the God Channel, sermons re-broadcast on You Tube, and stories repeated through internet bloggers, publicity for these meetings spread faster than any previous “outpouring.” Criticism of this renewal movement followed just as rapidly. Charismatic leaders most concerned were denominational officials, theologians, and pastors sympathetic to the practice of spiritual gifts and divine healing, yet baffled by Bentley’s ministry methods and dramatic declarations.

J. Lee Grady of Charisma Magazine wrote several articles (here and here) concerned with Lakeland practices that he felt produced “bizarre manifestations,” “hype,” and “exaggerated claims.” Grady targeted Todd’s fascination with angels, lack of Christ-centered teaching, and practice of bizarre methods like hitting, spitting, and the proclamation of “bam” when praying for people. These criticisms generated ire in many of the attendees and real consternation for the supporters of the renewal. Lakeland worshipers felt unjustly criticized for seeking God with all their hearts. They questioned the spiritual credibility of writers like J. Lee Grady who seemed to intellectualize the Move of God. The attendees felt that the Holy Spirit was using Todd powerfully and that any doubts shared by Charismatic or non-Charismatic leaders were unwarranted.

The controversy reached a crescendo when Fresh Fire Ministries, Todd Bentley’s home ministry (here), disclosed that Todd was formally separating from his wife. After this announcement, Dutch Sheets, Charismatic leader and friend of Florida Outpouring leaders, wrote (here) of his concerns about the hyped methods and immature leadership of Todd Bentley. He criticized an “apostolic alignment ceremony” conducted for Todd by many of Sheets’ closest associates. Sheets felt that Todd was not prepared for such of a release of responsibility. In his open letter, Dutch Sheets repented for the Charismatic movement’s lack of discernment concerning Bentley’s ministry.

My Concerns

Being theologically trained, I have been asked many questions about the Florida Outpouring. As a result, I watched with great interest Todd Bentley’s ministry on the God Channel. What I saw was a congregation hungry for more of God, yet I observed a leadership team which lacked maturity, and in some cases, integrity. There is no denying that real healings, deliverances, and salvations occurred during the meetings under the Tent in Lakeland. However, a great anointing does not make a spiritual leader flawless or faultless.

Lack of Verification

For example, Todd Bentley’s organization, Fresh Fire Ministries, gave the Associated Press a list of fifteen people who they said could be medically verified as healed, yet the reporters could not substantiate any of the healing stories. The phone numbers were inaccurate and the doctors cited would not return calls. “The Associated Press tried to follow up on a list of 15 names that were given by Bentley’s ministry that is supposed to represent healings that can be medically verified. ‘Yet two phone numbers given out by the ministry were wrong, six people did not return telephone messages and only two of the remainder, when reached by The Associated Press, said they had medical records as proof of their miracle cure. However, one woman would not make her physician available to confirm the findings, and the other’s doctor did not return calls despite the patient’s authorization.'” (“Controversial Revivals Draw Even Pentecostal Critics,” Christian Post, July 13, 2008).

Second: The ABC News program, Nightline, stated that a whole notebook of healing reports which Todd Bentley’s staff made available were unverifiable. In this notebook, Todd claims that a certain woman was healed from a massive cancerous tumor. Nightline contacted her home and her husband stated that she was not available for she was in chemotherapy. This is problematic to say the least: an individual that Todd’s ministry claimed was healed is found to be in treatment. This discovery is not good for the ailing woman or for the integrity of Bentley’s ministry.

Third: Todd Bentley reported twenty-one resurrections from the dead, yet none was confirmed by outside sources. Most of these resurrection stories were conveyed on television during phone conversations with television viewers. In other words, the resurrection reports were given “live” without proper research and background checks.

Fourth: Todd said that a man was raised from the dead because of “impartation” prayer. “Impartation” prayer is the belief that attendees could leave the Lakeland meetings and take that same anointing with them. The leadership taught that the same miracles performed in Lakeland would and could manifest among their friends and family back home. As a result, a woman testified over the phone that she had prayed for a deceased man at a funeral home and saw him resuscitated. Bentley stated that the man came forth from a casket during the viewing. No location is given, no individuals’ names stated, or date provided.

Are we saying to the world that a fully embalmed man sat up and talked? If so, produce a death certificate, a funeral director, and an amazed and grateful family. Surely, Fresh Fire Ministries would expect questions when making claims as dramatic as these. I do not doubt that God can resuscitate a dead person today as Jesus did in the life of Lazarus, but what I question is the veracity of Todd’s claims.

Fifth: In May, a Charismatic pastor from the State of Washington came forward for healing. He was suffering from terminal bone marrow cancer. Todd boldly proclaimed from the platform that the man was totally healed, yet the pastor tragically died two weeks later. The pastor’s family must be devastated. This kind of hype and on-stage theatrics wounds many a follower of Christ. In times like these, I miss John Wimber. John saw incredible signs and wonders in his ministry, yet the healing model he followed did not contain the theatrics found in Lakeland.

Sixth: Fresh Fire Ministries is now admitting that Todd was in some sort of “inappropriate emotional relationship” with a woman other than his wife.

Lack of Propriety

“We wish to acknowledge, however, that since our last statement from the Fresh Fire Board of Directors, we have discovered new information revealing that Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff. In light of this new information and in consultation with his leaders and advisors, Todd Bentley has agreed to step down from his position on the Board of Directors and to refrain from all public ministry for a season to receive counsel in his personal life.” Full letter found here.

This news is very heartbreaking and I pray that Todd will receive pastoral care with spiritual and emotional healing. I pray that full restoration of their marriage would be possible. In addition, I pray that no critics would gloat over the tragedy of a broken family. Yet, this misconduct is just one more red flag in a series of red flags that mark Todd’s ministry. Repeatedly, credibility issues keep manifesting without resolution.

Lack of Accountability

In a letter written last week, Doris and Peter Wagner are pastorally gracious toward Todd: they defend their relationship with him. However, Peter admits that he never met with Todd before welcoming Bentley into their Gospel Alliance ministry. Peter brings Todd into “apostolic alignment,” but has never spent any time with him, how responsible is that? How can Todd be accountable to them, if they do not know him?

“I could easily see that Todd needs deep inner healing and professional-level deliverance he has not yet had the opportunity to receive.  One of our critics said that we got it backwards and should have taken him into a back room and ministered to him before the ceremony.  We had the luxury of a few minutes with Todd before the evening meeting.  We had never met the man before.  Was I to say ’Hey, Todd, you’re a mess and need help in the next five minutes?'” [Peter Wagner email]

Well, yes, Dr. Wagner, if he is a mess please minister to him. If you see that Todd needed help, stop the ceremony, and pray for him. The question I ask, “Is why you, Dr. Wagner, laid hands on a man for apostolic impartation when you knew that he had deep personal problems?” The Apostle Paul is clear, “Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure”(1 Tim. 5:22, NKJV). As members of the Charismatic Episcopal Church, we recognize the importance of personal accountability, long-term relationship, and spiritual oversight. Evidently, the leadership in Lakeland did not see the need to keep Todd pastorally accountable.

Lack of Discernment

It has been reported that in Lakeland, one is labeled a doubter, “Grays,” when questions are asked about the ministry methods used by Todd Bentley. “Blues” are those who put aside their minds and accept everything as from the Lord. This kind of insulated attitude prevents accountability and correction. The New Testament affirms our responsibility as believers to weigh, measure, and discern the use of the spiritual gifts in ministry (1 Cor 12: 10, 14:29, Matt. 7:20). Discernment is insight from the Holy Spirit which enables a believer to know whether a practice, teaching, or gifting is from God, Satan, or a manifestation of the flesh. Certainly, in these Last Days, the church needs the gift of discernment more than ever before. Discernment is a check in one’s spirit with a question mark in one’s mind.

Some people perceive me as “smart” or “theologically deep” and immediately conclude that I am a skeptic who is not open to the work of the Holy Spirit. Thirty years ago, I first spoke in tongues on a street corner in Dallas, Texas. From that day, I have been a pastor in a Charismatic ministry or church. I have experienced many of the charismata listed by Paul in First Corinthians 12. As best as I can be, I am open to the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit in a public setting. However, God does not ask us to “turn off our minds.” The Lord desires for us to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We are to be a people who are in love with Jesus with both our heads and our hearts. It is not unspiritual to walk out the spiritual gift of discernment. Practicing the gift of discernment does not make anyone super-intellectual.

Failed Leaders

Many are citing Samson as a model for what God was doing in Todd’s ministry. God anointed Samson for a special purpose: Samson was a fighting warrior sent by God to deliver Israel from the tyranny of the Philistines. Samson had many character flaws and personal indiscretions. Nevertheless, the Lord poured out his Spirit on him anyway. It was argued that the Lord was anointing Todd in the same manner. However, Samson’s spiritual carelessness and overt sin prevented him from fulfilling God’s mission of delivering the Israelites until his dramatic death. Samson’s faith is honored in scripture (Heb. 11:32), but his life is not to be modeled.

Samson was not a presbyter, prophet, or leader in a New Testament church. As leaders in Christ’s Church, we are called to a higher standard of holiness (1 Tim. 2, Titus 1). “Dear brothers not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly (James 3:1, NLT). The issue is not Todd’s tattoos, strange T-shirts, or quirky mannerisms. The issue is his lack of holiness and credibility as an evangelist.


I do not deny that some signs, wonders, and miracles occurred in Lakeland. I pray that the many stories of divine healing are true. However, I cannot understand why the leadership of the Charismatic movement did not examine Todd Bentley’s ministry more closely before he was given so much public access.

The Holy Spirit is moving in Lakeland, but as I see it, the Holy Spirit poured out his grace because of the faith of attendees not due to the maturity and wisdom of the Florida Outpouring leadership.

I pray that all those who have attended or will attend the meetings in Lakeland would be healed.